Welcome to the Home of the Kiona Leah, known as The Girl with the Marble A**!
As a Master Fitness Trainer, I help you Fit Fitness in with a combination of the T-Tapp Method and Postural Restoration Rehabilitation Knowledge! Do you have VERY LITTLE TIME but need to see and feel results for your fitness, weight loss and even those pesky aches and pains from living life to the fullest? Then you have come to the RIGHT PLACE.
If you are looking not only for results, but results that LAST over time…then explore and find out how for the past 18 years, with a full time job, a part time passion and a full home life I have managed to KEEP OFF those 5 extra sizes I had gained in my 20s! Workout as little as 15 minutes per day and still see results the Healthy by Kiona Way!
MORE VIDEOS ON YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/user/kionaleah
FIND ME ON FACEBOOK FOR THE MOST VIDEOS! https://www.facebook.com/healthybykiona
I really can’t express how happy and excited I’ve been since finding your videos and FB. I’ve “tapped” since 1999, but have never felt as many “a-ha” moments as I do with your instructions. I feel like I’m experiencing a T-Tapp “rebirth” of sorts. Today, I did your video of the second half of T-tapp and it was great. I was spent, but happily spent. Time flew by so fast, I was kinda sad when I got to lawnmowers……I was in such a zone. I have never felt that way about the Total Workout and used to do it just to get it done. I had a love/hate relationship with it…..loved Teresa and the results but didn’t like how I felt doing it. I just want to let you know that I think you are a great T-Tapp trainer and so sweet to consider your students and their workout suggestions. ~Tonia M.
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